Saturday, November 21, 2009

Buy Nothing Day


"Buy Nothing Day" on November 28th, is a fantastic day which discourages overconsumption. In my opinion, material standards of living has reached such heights, that it has become a core source of happiness. Or at least this is what we are encouraged to believe. Consuming has become an icon which "we use to represent concepts, ideas and philosophies"(McCloud, 27) of what we desire. In fact, I think shopping centres have replaced churches because it is now a symbol of cultural values. Shopping has become a religion, where we are told to consume, and the result of that consumption will come through happiness and self-satisfaction. Just for the fun of it, I decided to research this topic and found that "90% of us visit shopping malls each week more than attend houses of worship"(Miss Changelez, 2009).

Although overconsumption is a fuel for the economy, as we are reminded constantly of the economic benefits, which are usually summed up in these so called wise words, "the more we spend, the more we get back"(Adele, 2009), we must also think about the social and health indicators within the subject area. For example, statistics show, "family breakdown, stress, loneliness and depression are much higher in 'developed' countries"(Altruists International, 2008). Many reasons can explain why this is a result and a cause of increased economic activities. In the past, recreation was spent on non-consumptive activities such as visiting friends or appreciating nature. This is especially hard in a dying social and natural environment. Now a days, depressed people are told to cheer themselves by selfish consuming, whether of food, drugs, digital culture, or even a means of escapism. For example, a result of food consumption has caused obesity which is an obvious symptom of over-consumption. While there are millions of people dying of hunger in other parts of the world, overeating is widely known throughout North America - which is evidence of how the manipulation of large companies is indirectly, unintentionally promoting self-destruction. Also, most people, including myself, spend hours everyday devoted to digital culture. My family no longer spends time together in conversation, but are usually busy on our digital devices which keep us busy. However, we feel as if our lives aren't complete as we feel depressed and lonely because we forget the value of family, friends and togetherness. What we miss out in our daily consumerist lives is that same togetherness which is and has been the true meaning of fulfilment for generations on end. So I ask you one question- what is more important? The growing economy, which lets me spend in return for short- term self- satisfaction or the disadvantages of overconsumption which promotes fulfillment, with a long term elimination of social and health issues. You choose. "Buy Nothing Day" is your day to decide.

Works Cited

Confer, Jess. Buy Nothing Day 2009, November 28 | Black Friday Protest. YouTube. 5th November 2008. 20th November 2009.

Emile and Adele. "How to Become Financially Free". E-Blogger. 1st October, 2009. 20th November 2009.

McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics - The Invisible Art. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993.

"Oversumption". YouTube. 22nd May 2006. 20th November 2009.

"Re-establishing Altruism As A Viable Social Norm". Helping Others Altruists International. 2008.   20th November 2009.