Saturday, October 10, 2009

Academic Blogging- The Start!

It is so amazing how all of us North Americans become a part of the media, no matter what we do. A lot us are involved as informers, and most of us are the ones being informed. Most of my life, I've devoted my time informing others through Facebook, MSN, charity events, music events, songs, print media and advertising. It is the first time I will allow the whole world to access my thoughts through an internet homepage. I think blogging is one of the best ways to voice opinions.It's all about sharing ideas for me. I now belong to a group of more that 22 million blogger's on the global map. I have officially expanded my public sphere as I will share facts and talk to you a little more about my bias.This means it is the first time, I truly don't know who my reader's will be. Other than my peer's in my Mass Communications class, there are millions of individuals who log on to the internet in search of blogs to read. With this in thought, I question myself as to exactly how I will convey my complicated yet meaningful thoughts. The answer to my question is to simply question! A topic isn't complete without contradiction's and questioning thoughts. I have planned to discuss all of my topic's through questioning myself and making sense of things, not just to myself but others who will read my blog. Therefore, i now play the public figure of an informer, thinker and blogger. :-)

I have made my page very media oriented. At the top right, there is an option to search any other present blog. At the bottom right, you can access the top video's of YouTube. At the bottom there is an option of following my blogs. It's all about sharing! :-)

Works Cited

De Argaez, Enrique. "World Internet Usage Statistics - Internet Market Research" Internet Stats Today. 29th September 2009. Web.