Monday, October 12, 2009

Sex Sells - D&G!, PETA?

I am not a feminist. Neither am I one to judge easily. However, the violence of any kind doesn't manage to pass me by. As I intend to pursue a career in the media industry (perhaps advertising?), it's painful to see the kinds of actions being made to sell a brand name product. What surprises me the most is that not only brand name organizations but also charity causes like PETA have now become a part of the "sex sells" clan. The reason why I mentioned feminism earlier is because most of the violence occurring in the advertising world is targeted towards women in sexual ways. Women are hugely targeted to influence in different ways due to the way advertisers portray their message. Now a days, it is possible to look at a photograph and guess the underlaying meaning behind the visual. However, the advertisers have the right to answer to questions and change the way people think about the photograph. This is what the people need to think about- their misconceptions of high-end advertising. To explain, I picked out 4 different pictures from 2 different companies to show the underlaying meaning of these ads. I'll explain each of these pictures and how woman have become a sex project in them. They also look flawless, thin and vulnerable no matter what product the advertisement is produced for.

1) Dolce and Gabbana- A high-end fashion line that makes millions of dollars off of their products. What do we see? A bunch of sweaty hunks posing confidently and a sexy girl posing provocatively on the ground. How creative? Don't think so.This is an ad of shoes by the way, not gang rape. This ad indicates that men are on a more superior level than the woman in the picture. There are 4 of them, and one of her. She is pinned down to the floor as all the men angrily stare her down. It is very degrading for the female in this photograph.The shoes are the selling product, but we barely notice them. If one doesn't think this photograph spells violence towards women, there is something wrong with his or her mentality. Literally. This ad was band from France as a result of the government stating, "This is not what we want our nation to follow."(The Girl Revolution).

2) Dolce and Gabbana- I had a weird time analyzing this ad because for one, the violence is obvious, but the violence toward the female is not obvious at all. There is more than one meaning to this ad. You see a bunch of attractive men wearing Dolce Gabbana clothing involved in gang violence. It emphasizes the "power" of their product. However, there is a lady, literally butt naked, sexually embraced to what looks like the leader of the stronger pack. He is the man who committed the murder. The woman is the price, but is made to look vulnerable because while they are all covered in expensive Dolce Gabanna wear, she is wearing nothing but a pair of boots (degrading to the woman in the picture). Also, what the ad wants us to see is the perfect flawlessness of her body. The man has got everything he has ever wanted through his power. He has the naked woman. In the end, sexuality prevails.

3) PETA - PETA stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Their main goal is to end fur and leather use, meat and dairy consumption, fishing, hunting trapping, etc. I saw this ad and was confused at first. The first word that came out of my mouth while thinking about this ad was, "What?". I questioned,"are you serious?" as i starred at it some more. The photograph is taken from a high angle to make the woman look vulnerable and helpless as her beautiful locks contrast the red chilly peppers in the back. She is completely naked starring up at the audience, which happens to be me at this point. Her desperate look can trap anyone. "She looks like she has anorexia nervousa! :-( This isn't a good image for the promotion of vegan life." sent in anonymously as a comment. While promoting PETA, this ad also promotes beautiful physic and sexuality.

4) PETA-  Again, There is a woman with red chilli peppers surrounding her. She is viewed on a high angle so she seems vulnerable. The picture is demeaning. Naked, her body shape is skinnier than the usual female frame. This is for an animal cause, why is there a girl stripped naked on the ground surrounded with chilli peppers, that cover her private parts? The whole point to this is going vegetarian isn't it? Why cant they have happy, healthy people sitting at a table posing with delicious looking vegetarian food? It is because PETA now has a style. The style indirectly indicates that sex sells. Most of the people that pose for it are celebrities. Depicts reality right in front of us to see. Sexuality and a stick thin body is what everyone needs right? I think its degrading and doesn't get the point across clearly. There is no sign of animals, or the act of preventing the harm and killing of animals anywhere. The advantage for this cause is that they have higher chances of bringing contributors and volunteers to their program.

Selling is a business and many techniques make the businesses successful. Sexuality just happens to be one of them. It is important to be media literate so we are aware of how it can influence us. We need to make sure that media does not illustrate reality for us.

Works Cited

Tracee, "Sex & Violence in Advertising". The Girl Revolution. 5th October 2009. Web.

Unknown (Various), "Ad Sneeze". Ads by Google. 7th October 2009. Web.